Where is the Energiebespaardienst now active?
Based on research, the municipality determines which households qualify for the Energiebespaardienst. Prior to the visit, the municipality sends an announcement letter to the residents of the selected homes. This states when the Energiebespaardienst will visit. Only when you have received a letter about this from the municipality can you make an appointment with a coach.
The Energiebespaardienst started in November in Amsterdam Southeast in the Kelbergen, Gein 1 and Gein 2 neighborhoods, and in Amsterdam North in the Banne Zuidwest and Tuindorp Oostzaan Oost neighborhoods.
In December, the neighborhoods of Banne Noordoost and Banne Noordwest followed in Amsterdam Noord. And in Amsterdam Zuidoost the neighborhoods Kantershof, Kortvoort and Kameleon.
Since January in Amsterdam North, the neighborhoods De Kleine Wereld, Werengouw Zuid and Midden, Buikslotermeerplein and Markengouw Zuid have also been visited. In Southeast Bijlmermuseum.
Starting in February, Energiebespaardienst will also be active in Amsterdam North in the Molenwijk and Tuindorp Oostzaan West neighborhoods. And in Amsterdam West in the Spaarndammerbuurt Midden, Noordoost and Noordwest.
On the website of the municipality of Amsterdam you can read in which other neighborhoods in Amsterdam coaches will visit this winter. Besides Winst uit je woning , the municipality has another partner, Klimaatroute, which will visit other neighborhoods in Amsterdam with coaches.
Unfortunately, the Energiebespaardienst is no longer active in Amsterdam
You may qualify for one of the municipality's other schemes.
Read more on the municipality's site .
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